Monday, February 10, 2014

Sarah's Analog Blog (circa 1995) part II

The saga of Sarah's school count-down during the summer before 5th grade continues.  As before, the names of real people have be replaced with Harry Potter pseudonyms to preserve anonymity.

Aug. 25 1995
10 more days till school!!
It's really late, almost 12:00pm!  So I'm only going to write a little.
Today dad got really mad and tore up one of my folders for school!  I also got a call from the library to say the book I requested was in (Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes)!
Fang still didn't have his bath today!  Mom bought me a Quick Sew from Frank's today!  I also had a tea party with Eleanor!

OMG, I just can't stop using exclamation points!  Everything in my life is just so exciting!!
Aug. 27 1995
9-8 more days!
The reason I didn't write yesterday is because it was almost 12:00 when we got home.  I was really tiered.  So I'll have to fill you in.
Yesterday we went to Mall-of-America.  I got to try the new vertuall boy!  I also won an issue of Nintendo Power magazine, it has 115 pages!  We also went to the rainforest Cafe and got stuffed!  And we saw Nine Months.  It was funny!
Today Eleanor and I got to go to Mom's school to help in the library, then play in the computer lab!
This evening we watched Wane's World!  It was OK.  Fang still hasn't had a bath!

This entry submitted without comment...because I was too busy facepalming and head-shaking to think of any.
Aug. 28 1995
7 more day till school!
Today was pretty uneventfull.  I got a call finally, from my captain (Ariana).*
Fang got stung by a bee, in his ear.
I forgot to say yesterday that I got 20 Simpson pogs at the mall!**
I also finished my quick stich, and my Goosebumps book!
I read some more in Nintendo Power magazine.***
Tommorow I'm going to clean my race track.

*Wow, the school patrol called at last!  Though they were cutting it pretty close with only one week left before school.
**Though I ended up with quite a collection of Simpsons and Goosebumps pogs, to this day I have never played the game, not even once.
***At the time I only had a gameboy and would not get another gaming system until I saved up my money to buy a N64 in middle school.  I did, however, end up subscribing to Nintendo power and read all 115 pages of every issue for several years.  Even though wasn't able to play most of the games it talked about.
Aug. 29 1995
6 more day.
Today Eleanor and & I went to a movie, Forever Batman.  It was O.K.  But after we had to call dad at the Good Will.  We had to wait forever, and the ladys were mean!  We also rented 2 movies, and tonight we watched Alien 3.  It was pretty scary.  I also started doing some research on racoons (just for fun!).*


Aug. 30 1995
5 more days.
I almost forgot to write!  Fang still hasn't had a bath!  Today we were talking about open house at school.  I want to go, but I also want to go to the state faire.*  I can only go to one.  I want to got to open house, but I don't think dad wants to.
Today we got a call from the Nutcombes, they invited us to their trailer at Pathfinder** for Labor Day weekend.

*No!  It is NOT a Renaissance festival!
** A camp ground.
Sep. 2 1995
2 more days!
I haven't written for 2 days!
Thursday we went to the State Fair!*  It was fun!
Friday we went to Mom's school!  We did lots of work, but we played too.
Today we went to Pathfinder.  I got to sleep on the top bunk in the camper!
We also went swimming in the pool!  I got grape flavored taffy.  Tomorrow is the penny carnival (it's always fun).  We also entered a potato-head contest with Pocahontas Potato.  It won 1st prize (I'm not surprised).**

*Dad won.
**My sister, our friend, and I actually were quite the talented little potato artisans.
Sep. 3 1995
Only more day till school starts.
Today was the penny carnival (actually tickets were 25cents each!)*
Kirely and her mom had a fight, because her mom tryed to wash Kirely's face after she had used an Oxy pad.**

*Total rip-off.
**Uh...??  Guess you had to be there.
Sep. 4 1995
Tomorrow's the 1st day of school.
I can't wait for tomorrow!  I can't believe I'm in 5th grade!*
Today before we left Pathfinder Fang puked 2 times.  Eleanor and I had to pick it up!  It was really gross.
We came home, got unpacked, then went shopping.
I'm going to wake up from 6:00- 6:30!**

*Neither can I...
**Wow, I'm actually impressed that I used to get up that early--how did I ever do it?
Sep. 7 1995
I haven't written for the last few days!  I've just been so busy with homework, I even had homework the 1st day of school!  The first day was great!  5th grade is going to be fun!  I even think math is going to be fun this year.*  
On Wensday a new boy (Ciceron) came.  Mr. Ollivander asked where he was the 1st day, he said at Hogwarts!  Talk about going to the wrong room, this guy went to the wrong school!   

*No, it wasn't.

And that is the last entry ever written in this diary.  Well, as I've always said, end with a joke to keep 'em laughing...

*Originally posted in January 2011 in my other blog: *

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