Monday, February 10, 2014

Sarah's Analog Blog (circa 1994/95)

On April 26, 1994 I began writing in another diary.  This was during the spring of 3rd grade.  My spelling had improved somewhat from my previous efforts in first grade, though my handwriting was still rather sloppy.  I also abandoned my old storytelling in favor of a sporadic, stream of consciousness writing style.  The following is the first entry (after the inside cover page that reads "Private Keep Out!"):

Dear diary,
It feels kind of weird saying that!  I mean who is diary anyway?  Nobody!  Anyway, today was good.  Katie Bell's* such a jerk!  I just felt like saying that.  Cedric's so cute!  I just felt like saying that, too.  There was a 5th grade consert today.  I hated it!  It was stupid!  Well that's all I have to say today.  Bye!

*All names of real people have been changed to those of Harry Potter characters to preserve anonymity.
After this first entry there were two more uneventful entries dated the following day and two months later in July.  After that I would not write again until December 13, 1994--the winter of fourth grade.

Dear Diary,
I'm finally back.  You probly noticed my handwriting is better!*  I'm in 4th grade now.  Today we start our litichure groups.  I got Indian in the Cupbord (my first choice).  I'm in GT to!**  Also I get to be in the top math group.  We have music and P.E. today.  Also I get to sit next to Cedric!  Yes I still like him.

*Though it seems my spelling had gotten worse.
**GT stands for "Gifted and Talented."  Clearly no spelling test was required to get in.
That was the last entry until the summer before fifth grade when I read a book called "Bingo Brown and the Language of Love."  In the book the title character writes in his journal every night, so I decided to do the same.  This new journaling craze marks the turning point where I began writing significantly longer entries, so I will just cut out all the boring stuff and stick to the highlights.  (Incidentally, it is also when I began writing all of my entries in cursive for some reason.)

Aug. 20, 1995
There's only 15 more day till school starts, I can't wait!*  I can't believe no one called for school patrol!  The captains, Dymphna, Ariana, Tiberius, or Theodore are supposed to call to see if you still want to be a patrol.  There are only 15 more days to call!

*OMG--WTF was wrong with me!?
Aug. 21, 1995
Only 14 more days till school starts.  I'm going to do a count down!*
After I finish writing this I'm going to start reading Julius Caesar!  It'll be challenging, but I can do it!**

*Seriously, WTF, seriously...
**Who did I think I was, an f-ing life coach!?
Aug. 22, 1995
13 more days till school!
We went to the library today.  I got 3 books, Haunted House, Bingo Brown's guide to romance, and Into the Land of the Unicorns!*  The JC Penney Christmas Catalog came today & it's only August!

*Always the eclectic reader.
Aug. 23 1995
12 more days till school starts!
Today for lunch we went to Mcdonalds.  I kinda like the food, but the rest of the family doesn't, so I pretend not to.  Anyway we went because Eleanor had two coupons one for a free Big Mac extra value meal and one for a hamburger.  But you could only use 1 per visit, so we went in sepratly.  I even ordered by my self, (though dad was with me!)  I got a small sprite (which was pretty big!) with my own money!*  Fang was supposed to have a bath today, but he'll have one tommorow instead.  We are suposed to shampoo his hurt feet every night!**

*Major accomplishments in the life of a painfully introverted child.
**Our pet dog had been hit by a car, which tore up the skin on his back paws.
Aug. 24, 1995
11 more days till school!
Today I finished reorganizing my room.  My furniture is all in different spots, and it's all clean (I even changed my sheets)!*
Once again Fang didn't get a bath, maybe he'll get one tomorrow!?  I sure hope so, he needs one Pee-Yew!

*Whatever, changing sheets is for chumps.
This diary is a bit too long for one post, so I am going to end here for today...
Will the school patrol ever call?  Will Fang ever get a bath?  Will Sarah ever shut-up about the unbelievably lame way she spent her summer?  So many burning questions yet to be answered, so stay tuned next week as I reveal days 10-0 on the dorkiest school countdown ever!

*Originally posted in January 2011 in my other blog: *

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