Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monkey Baby, She's a Baby Monkey

When I was about five years old, I learned the truth of my birth. My older sister and I were looking at a family photo album when I noticed that, though there were plenty of pictures of her in the hospital from the day she was born, there were no such pictures of me. In fact, I was over a month old before I started showing up on film. My parents told me that there were no hospital pictures because the ones they had taken had accidently gotten exposed and ruined (this was well before digital photos, mind you, so theoretically this could have happened.) My sister, however, told me the real story:

“One day, Mommy and Daddy went to the monkey cage at the zoo. They picked out the cutest monkey, cut off its tail, shaved it, and brought it home. And that’s you!”

Now of course my parents vehemently denied it, but why would me sister lie to me?  She was always looking out for me, right? So I stopped asking questions, but for years I believed I was a monkey from the zoo. When I got a bit older, I realized that there is no way I could be a monkey. I mean, why didn’t my fur grow back after they shaved it? It just didn’t make sense. That’s when I realized that I must not have literally been a monkey, but clearly I had been born with a tail. That would explain everything! My parents wanted to keep it a secret to save me from embarrassment, which is why they took no pre monkey-tail-removal-surgery photos. 

My parents once again denied it when I questioned them, but wouldn’t they deny it especially if I was born with a tail? No matter what they claim, there is something that looks suspiciously like scar tissue on my tailbone...